We strive to maintain accurate stock counts of all sneakers, streetwear and accessories on our website. However, in the rare case of a stock discrepancy, we will fulfill the available products from your order to you and contact you about whether you would prefer to await restocking of the product you selected, a different model (subject to availability), a different product of the same or greater value, or store credit for the billed amount.
All orders placed with Street Junkies India Pvt. Ltd. are shipped from our registered office in Bangalore, Karnataka.
Street Junkies India Pvt. Ltd. offers international/ worldwide shipping on all products purchased from our website. The international shipping is calculated based on the country the order is being placed from, and an estimated amount is shown while checking out. As soon as you place an order with Street Junkies India Pvt. Ltd., you will receive a confirmation email. Orders are dispatched from our warehouse in Bangalore, India, and will reach you within 10 days of placing the order in the case of domestic orders. We try to ensure that international orders reach you in the same stipulated time, however, it is not guaranteed.
As soon as your order has been dispatched, you will receive an email with a tracking number, which you can use to track your order on the website of the relevant courier company. The customer must provide full and valid address and contact details. Street Junkies India Pvt. Ltd. cannot and will not be held responsible for the loss of shipment due to incorrect address details.
Deliveries by our delivery partners will take place on weekdays from Monday to Friday. Our warehouse operates on Monday – Friday during standard business hours, except on national holidays, at which time the warehouse will be closed. All deliveries will be attempted twice, in case of the customer’s inability to receive the package the first time. If the order isn’t received by the customer the second time, the order will be returned to Street Junkies India Pvt. Ltd., and an additional fee will be charged for further shipping attempts. In the event that this occurs to your order, please contact us for more details.
Any delay and/or extension in delivery time caused by the courier company carrying your package is their responsibility. Street Junkies India Pvt. Ltd. will attempt to fast track the delivery in case of delays, however, we cannot be held liable for such after we’ve dispatched the item from our end. In instances of receiving a damaged-in-transit package, please write us an email at [email protected] . Our support team will work with you to come up with a solution to the issue.
Since customs and duties collection differ in every country, they cannot be predicted- hence any additional duties or taxes charged by the government of the country the buyer resides in and the courier company is deemed to solely be the buyer’s responsibility. Street Junkies India Pvt. Ltd. cannot and will not be held liable for any additional costs or customs charges levied by local authorities for products ordered on our site.